Make the Most of Your Parent-Teacher Conference

The parent-teacher conference is a wonderful opportunity for teachers to get to know a student’s parents better and, in turn, know more about the child. We've compiled the top three areas for discussion as well as questions to consider asking your child's teacher. 
Coming into the conference with an open heart and mind is important. Recognizing that teachers and parents need to work as a team sets a positive tone.
  • What can I do at home to support what you're doing in the classroom?
  • What are the best ways and times to communicate with you?
  • Share information about things that may be affecting your child. Are there any family situations of which the teacher should be aware? Is your child struggling with anything?
  • Also share anything you are doing at home that is working. Are you doing special things to motivate your child? Are you using any tactics that are helping with discipline? Reinforcement and continuity between home and school is important for getting and keeping a child on the right track.
Use this time with your child’s teacher to understand the areas where your child is performing well and where they might need some support. If the teacher tells you that your child is struggling (we know this can be difficult to hear), trust that the teacher has your child’s best interest at heart. At Mason Prep, we make a point of keeping parents informed throughout the year and addressing any concerns immediately so that solutions come quickly.
  • What do you see as my child's strengths? What do you think are the academic challenges for my child?
  • How would you recommend I help? What should I not assist with?
  • Does my child participate in class?
  • Is my child performing at grade level?
  • How do you assess students? How can students study most effectively?
  • How much time should homework take? How much help/guidance with homework and studying should I be giving my child at this grade level?
  • How can my child develop stronger organizational and time management skills?
  • Is extra help available?
What not to ask – questions that compare your child to other students in the class or to his or her siblings. Each student has strengths and areas of growth and needs to be treated as an individual.
School is not just about academics, so be sure to ask about things beyond the classroom. MPS students participate in a dedicated Social-Emotional Learning curriculum with lessons to help them develop both personally and as part of a social group.
  • How is my child doing socially? Does he or she get along with classmates?
  • Does my child seem confident?
  • Is my child able to accept and move forward from mistakes?
  • How does my child perform with group work?
  • How does my child spend lunch and free time?
Especially in the younger grades, children are developing independence and becoming more resourceful – both of which are important for success at school. Ask if there are things that you can work on at home to help support these skills. 
Ending the conference with “Is there anything I should know?” is a good way to open the door to any other information the teacher may want to share. After the conference, keep the lines of communication open. When parents and teachers work together, the outcome is a successful, happy, and confident child.

At Mason Prep, we place a great deal of importance on the relationship between parents and teachers. Learn more about our school and our commitment to the success of each child by downloading our Parent Info Packet.
Mason Preparatory School is committed to the education of the whole child in preparation for secondary education through the cultivation of respect, integrity, and personal responsibility within a nurturing environment that results in a productive citizen of a global community.