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Knight Vision Blog

Read about important topics for students and families.

List of 17 items.

  • 8 Considerations for Choosing a Pre-K or Kindergarten

    Eight important things to consider when finding the program that is right for your child and your family.

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  • Why An Independent School?

    Being armed with accurate information can help parents make the best decision for their family and realize the value of investing in their children’s future. 

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  • The Advantages of a K-8 School

    These years are a critical time in a child’s intellectual, social, and emotional development.

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  • The Importance of Social-Emotional Learning

    Social-Emotional Learning, or SEL, is a term we are hearing more about as we continue to learn about its importance and recognize its impact on student success.

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  • 7 Steps to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten

    When kindergarten is just around the corner, all parents wonder if their child will be ready. Consider these tips for helping your student thrive in the ever-important first year.

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  • A Unique, STEM-Focused MPS Program

    In an era where technology and innovation are at the forefront of future careers, STEM skills are crucial for navigating the challenges of the 21st century.

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  • 4 Ways to be More Engaged with Your Child’s School

    Parent engagement is defined as parents and school faculty and staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children (cdc.gov).  (aecf.org). 

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  • How to Make the Most of Your Campus Visit

    A campus visit allows you to get a feel for what a day there would be like for your child. Don't miss the opportunity to find out as much as you can during your tour - see our list of questions to ask.

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  • Three Ways to Raise a Kind Child

    Saying “please” and “thank you” and being polite is wonderful, but how do we instill true kindness in our children? We've shared some ways to inspire and nurture kindness in your child.

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  • Fun & Games: Tools for Building Academic and Social Skills in Kindergarten

    What looks and sounds like happy commotion is actually kindergarten students hard at work learning math, reading, and social skills. Discover how kindergarteners learn with fun activities at Mason Prep.

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  • Building a Strong Foundation

    A Mason Prep education is designed to provide students with a solid foundation of advanced academics and strong character.

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  • 7 Ways to Ease Your Child’s Transition to a New School

    Starting at a new school, while exciting, can be challenging. Having helped families enter our school in all grades and during all times of year, we understand the transition. 

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  • Make the Most of Your Parent-Teacher Conference

    The parent-teacher conference is a wonderful opportunity for teachers to get to know a student’s parents better and, in turn, know more about the child.

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  • Testing & Observation Q&A

    Testing and observations are an important part of the admissions process. Learn about why we test and observe prospective students, and find out what happens during both.

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  • 10 Ways to Prepare Your Child for a Great School Year

    With just a little bit of planning, you can make those first few weeks of school easier on your student and your family.

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  • Raising a Reader

    Parents often ask what they can do to help their children learn to read and to enjoy reading. Here are some tips for both at two important developmental stages.

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  • Summer Reading List

    Check out our summer reading list of teacher-recommended (and student approved!) titles by age range.

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We bring you the Knight Vision Blog as a place where parents can find information about a variety of topics. Many posts will focus on education – from how to help your student succeed to updates on the ever-changing and evolving world of education. Other posts will focus on raising confident, caring, responsible citizens. We hope you find the blog to be a helpful resource as you navigate the challenges of parenting.
Mason Preparatory School is committed to the education of the whole child in preparation for secondary education through the cultivation of respect, integrity, and personal responsibility within a nurturing environment that results in a productive citizen of a global community.